“Cantarelle” is a traditional recipe of the regional cuisine in Romagna. It’s very easy to prepare these sweet pancakes. It’s a kind of peasant food with simple flavours.
You just need the following ingredients:
– 500 ml of water
– 250 g of yellow flour
– 250 g of white flour
– 3 spoons of extra virgin olive oil
– a pinch of salt
– a pinch of bicarbonate of soda
– granulated sugar as required
Cook them on both sides, then put them on a tray, season them with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle granulated sugar. Of course you can also choose to spread jam, honey or Nutella on them instead of sprinkling sugar, it’s up tp you, then, roll them up. Now you know the original recipe of “Cantarelle Romagnole” and you can prepare them by yourself.
In Gatteo and Gatteo Mare you can taste cantarelle during the numerous events organised by the Associazione Uniti per Gatteo and the G. Cesare Recreational Centre
Gatteo Mare
Piazza della Libertà, 10
47043 Gatteo (FC)
0547 86083