La Mascotte visita gli alberghi associati al Gatteo Mare Summer Village per regalare un momento unico a tutti gli ospiti della struttura
The Mascot visits the GMSV associated hotels to enjoy a unique moment with all the guests of the structure
Das Maskottchen besucht die mit GMSV verbundenen Hotels um einen einzigartigen Moment mit allen Gästen der Struktur zu genießen
La Mascotte visite les hôtels associés au GMSV pour offrir un moment unique à tous les hôtes de la structure
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Samstag, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Samstag, repeating until 26/04/2025
Ultima Modifica: 26/06/2024