Cena romana “en plein air” e rievocazioni storiche con sfilate combattimenti tra celti e romani giocoleria danze e spettacoli di fuoco
Roman dinner and historical re-enactments with parades fights between Celts and Romans juggling dances and fire shows
Römisches Abendessen und historische Nachstellungen mit Paraden Kämpfen zwischen Kelten und Römern Jonglieren Tänze und Feuershows
Dîner romain et des reconstitutions historiques avec défilés combats entre Celtes et Romains jonglerie danses et spectacles de feu
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on sabato, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on sabato, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on sabato, repeating until 26/04/2025
Ultima Modifica: 23/05/2024