Place: Gatteo – Oratory of San Rocco
Period: 26 January 2025
The event will take place at 5.00 pm
The place can be reached by car
Description: January 27, the day on which, in 1945, were demolished the gates of Auschwitz, has been recognized as the ‘International Holocaust Remembrance Day’ not to forget “the Shoah (genocide of the Jewish people), the racial laws, the persecution of Italian Jews, the Italians who suffered deportation, imprisonment, death, and those who, in different fields and camps, have opposed the project of extermination, and at the risk of their lives they have saved more lives and protected the persecuted” (as stated in Article 1 of Law no. 211 of 20 July 2000).
Even the Municipality of Gatteo strongly wants to keep this memory alive and wants to ensure that in the schools and in favour of citizenship in this day are organized activities aimed to raise awareness of the tragic historical reality of the Holocaust: there are crimes against the man that can not be silenced or culpably tolerated, to forget them means making somehow possible the recurrence of barbarism and violence, because “those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it”.
With this in mind the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Gatteo organizes every year a touching spectacle to reflect and remember
Programme 2025:
Oratory di San Rocco, Gatteo
Sunday, 26 January – 5:00 p.m.
Musical reading ‘matricola 1 7 4 5 1 7 – Hundert Vierundsiebzig Fünf Hundert Siebzehn’
Reading of pieces by Matteo Morig taken from “Se questo è un uomo”, by Primo Levi.
Performance of pieces by Ravel, Bernstein Williams, Warshawsky. On the violin Michela Zanotti, on the keyboards and arrangements Marco Capicchioni
Entrance: free admission
Via San Rocco, 1
47043 Gatteo (FC)
0541 932377