On October 30th, 2017, at 3pm, the Campo di Gatteo Mare was inaugurated as the new Forlì-Cesena Federal Territorial Center.
Several authorities were present at the inauguration, including the FIGC Youth Ministry and School President Vito Tisci, the FIGC-SGS Emilia Romagna Coordinator Massimiliano Rizzello, the Mayor of Gatteo Gianluca Vincenzi, the Regional President of Coni E.R. Umberto Suprani, AIA Regional President Sergio Zuccolini, President AIA Forlì Giovanni Calzolari, Regional Councilors Domenico Spignoli and Alberto Ceccarelli, LND Delegates Claudio Bissi of the Province of Ravenna, Edmondo Vestrucci of the Province of Forlì Cesena and Domenico Magrini of the Province of Rimini .
This is an important step towards the promotion of youth football which makes the Gatteo Mare sports center a point of reference for the territory.
Activities take place from September / October to June. The project involves amateur companies by creating a strong and consolidated synergy between technicians and managers of local companies and the federal structure, an educational and sporting center, enhancing and giving visibility to young people between the ages of 12 and 14 of amateur societies of the territory.
For further information: tel. +39 338 5629363
Gatteo Mare
Via Rubicone sx, 87
47043 Gatteo (FC)
+39 3385629363