Kind of association: cultural association
Weekly closing day: not expected
Open all year round
The Association can be reached by car
The Association C.A.P.It. (Italian Confederation of Popular Action) was founded in the 70s as affiliation of the homonymous National Confederation located in Rome.
The association organizes a literary award for poetry in dialect and cultural events, such as the Roman Feast ,the Festival of dance, that take part in the summer period on the Viale Giulio Cesare in Gatteo Mare, it also publishes books.
The members, now a dozen, are volunteers.
The Association organizes:
– the biennial literary prize of dialect poetry from Romagna ‘Alberto Andreucci and Pino Ceccarelli’
– edits the book “Tat’arcord? (Ti ricordi?). Storia dei casati di Gatteomare e Villamarina dall’Ottocento ai giorni nostri”
– the reading of dialect poetry “A mòl int e dialètt”
To join the association, one not need to pay any membership fee
Via Fiume, 1
47043 Gatteo (FC)
335 6534555