Letture animate in compagnia di Giancarlo Giunchi e la sua valigia delle meraviglie…. A seguire cinepopcorn. Poi tutti a nanna in biblioteca. Al mattino colazione per tutti. Età: dalla 2° alla 5° elementare
Readings with Giancarlo Giunchi and his suitcase of wonders…. Followed by cinepopcorn. Then everyone goes to sleep in the library. In the morning breakfast for everyone. Age: from 2nd to 5th year of primary school
Lesungen in Begleitung von Giancarlo Giunchi und seinem Koffer voller Wunder…. Gefolgt von Cinepopcorn. Dann gehen alle in der Bibliothek schlafen. Morgens Frühstück für alle. Alter: von 2. bis zu 5. Klasse
Lectures en compagnie de Giancarlo Giunchi et sa valise de merveilles…. Suivi par du cinepopcorn. Puis tout le monde se couche à la bibliothèque. Le matin, petit-déjeuner pour tout le monde. Âge : de la 2ème à la 5ème année primaire
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
Ultima Modifica: 30/09/2023