Concerto dei Ridillo per festeggiare il 25° anniversario dell’Associazione Telemaco. In piazza sarà presente uno stand gastronomico di cantarelle (frittelle dolci, tipiche della cucina povera romagnola) a cura dell’Associazione Uniti per Gatteo e del Centro Auser Giulio Cesare e area giochi e truccabimbi. 2° edizione
‘Ridillo’ in concert, cantarelle food stand (sweet pancakes, typical of the poor Romagna cuisine), kids’ play area and face painting
„Ridillo“-Konzert, Imbissstand mit Cantarelle (süße Pfannkuchen, typisch für die arme Küche der Romagna), Kinderspielplatz und Kinderschminken
‘Ridillo’ en concert et stand de ‘cantarelle’ (crêpes sucrées, typiques de la cuisine pauvre de la Romagne) jeux et maquillage pour enfants
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
Ultima Modifica: 23/08/2024