Giornata dedicata alla comicità. Nel pomeriggio truccabimbi e sculture di palloncini, stand gastronomici aperti dall’ora di cena. Ore 16.00: ‘A caccia di draghi’ – spettacolo per bambini di giochi, tombola e balli. Ore 21.00: spettacolo comico di Samuel il Ventriloquo e musica con I FourManton
Day dedicated to comicality. In the afternoon, face painting and balloon sculptures, opening of the food stands at dinnertime. At 4.00 pm: children’s show with games, bingo and dancing. At 9.00 pm: comedy show by Samuel the Ventriloquist and music with I FourManton
Tag, der der Komödie gewidmet ist. Nachmittags Schminken und Luftballonskulpturen, Essensstände ab Abendessen geöffnet. Um 16.00 Uhr: Kindershow mit Spielen, Bingo und Tanz. Um 21.00 Uhr: Comedy-Show von Samuel dem Bauchredner und Musik mit I FourManton
Journée dédiée à la comicité. L’après-midi, maquillage et sculptures de ballons, ouverture des stands de restauration à l’heure du dîner. À 16h00 : spectacle pour enfants avec jeux, bingo et danse. À 21h00 : spectacle humoristique de Samuel le Ventriloque et musique avec le groupe I FourManton
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
An event every week that begins at 09:00 on Saturday, repeating until 26/04/2025
Ultima Modifica: 22/04/2024