Typical area of production: Romagna and Montefeltro
Historical origins: the craftsmanship of printed cloth, which has been ‘a rustic art’ in Romagna probably since XVIII century has its capital city in Gambettola, but the workshops are spread all over the provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini.
Typical technics: the manufacturing technique as well as the tools involved is the remain the same today as always. To the bottom side of the stamps, hand carved on pear wood, artisans apply a coloured mineral-based paste and beat it with a special hammer. The colour ranges from blue to green and from ‘antico’ red to an unmistakable rust color, obtained by precipitating a solution of iron oxide.
Each workshop has its own prints, its own styles and its own production ‘secrets’.
The most noteworthy workshops are:
— Stamperia BERTOZZI – Negozio: Via Verdi,6 Gambettola Produzione: Via Largo M. Maestri, 50 Gambettola Tel. +39 0547 56019, e-mail: info@stamperiabertozzi.it, www.stamperiabertozzi.it
– Stamperia BRAGHITTONI – Via Fiorentini, 55 Cesenatico Tel. +39 333 8060346 e-mail: info@stamperiabraghittoni.it, www.stamperiabraghittoni.it
– Stamperia PASCUCCI 1826 – Via Verdi, 18 Gambettola Tel. +39 0547 53056, e-mail: info@pascucci1826.it, www.pascucci1826.it
– IL GUADO – Via Giuditta Tavani Arquati, 4 Forlì Tel. +39 347 1769115, e-mail: ilguado@ilguado.com, www.ilguado.com
– Stamperia C’ERA UNA VOLTA – Via Mazzolani, 15 Cervia Tel. +39 0544 971234 – +39 349 6735151, e-mail: elisadrudi@libero.it, www.teleromagnole.com
– Stamperia CASADEI – Via P. Guidi, 66 Bellaria Tel. +39 0541 343110 – +39 339 5639111, e-mail: casadeimenghigiuliano@yahoo.it, www.teleromagnole.com
– Stamperia RUGGINE – Via Bertani, 36 Rimini Tel. +39 0541 50811 – +39 328 8251059, e-mail: sabriluzzi62@gmail.com, www.teleromagnole.com
– Stamperia LEA FANTASIE – Via Panoramica dell’Adriatico 1007 Montescudo-Montecolombo Tel. +39 340 2397462, e-mail: ciabochiluca@gmail.com
– ANTICA STAMPERIA ARTIGIANA MARCHI, Via C. Battisti, 15 Santarcangelo di Romagna Tel. +39 0541 626018, e-mail: info@stamperiamarchi.it, www.stamperiamarchi.it