Kind of association: cultural association
Opening times on weekdays: from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm
Opening times on Sundays and holidays: closed
Weekly closing day: unexpected
Open all year round
The association can be reached by car
The Telemaco Odv Cultural Association has been active in the area for more than 20 years and has been promoting play and recreational projects for more than 15 years. Its aim is to include able-bodied and disabled people in projects that can give vent to everyone’s creativity by stimulating different artistic talents.
The association’s flagship project is the ‘Tana liberi tutti’ theatre company that includes people with various disabilities. To date, the company has produced more than 15 plays, two publications, a photo exhibition and more than 5,000 people have attended the performances.
Telemaco also creates collaborations with other associations and supports other volunteer projects, for example in May 2022 the association attended the inauguration of the Casa del Volontariato (Volunteer House) in San Prospero di Modena, which was destroyed by the earthquake.
Another project of the association that always includes people with disabilities is #donauntappo, active since 2021. The project consists in the collection of plastic caps that are resold to a company in Gatteo that deals with recycling them. In a short time, more than 30 collection points have been founded, including some 15 hoteliers in Gatteo Mare, collecting more than a tonne of plastic.
For almost 10 years Telemaco has been present in Piazza della Libertà in Gatteo Mare when the principal events take place during the summer months in the evenings with the #casinadelvolontariato where it is possible to buy used books and objects created by volunteers. It is also possible to participate in the Pesca di Beneficenza (Charity Fishing).
It also collaborates with the ‘Uniti per Gatteo’ Association and the Auser Cultural Centre of Gatteo Mare for the realization of the Sagra della Cantarella
For further information follow the Cultural Association Telemaco Odv on Facebook and Instagram
Via Signori, 54
47043 Gatteo (FC)
333 3743556