Kind of association: social and cultural association
Opening times on weekdays: from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
Opening times on Sundays and holidays: from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
Weekly closing day: not expected
Open all year round
The association can be reached by car and public means of transportation
The Giulio Cesare Association is an apolitical, no-profit, sport and touristic one which has been founded in 2017. The aim of the Association is to organize, manage and promote events and shows for Gatteo’s citizens and tourists such as:
– discovering Gatteo Mare and the Rubicon land
– improving the eco-tourism
– organizing cultural, social and touristic events
– cooperating with public and private organization having the same purposes.
Among the events arranged by the Association:
– Roman dinner in June
– Autoexpo Giulio Cesare in June and September
– American Dreamcars in July
– Dinner below the stars in August
– Seventhird Car Expo in August
In partnership with the municipality of Gatteo, the Gatteo Mare Summer Village and the Bathing Establishments’ Association, Association Giulio Cesare proposes various events.
The Association, organizes event with the cooperation of the co-op Bathing Establishments Villamarina-Gatteo Mare
To join the association it is necessary to apply to the managing board and respect the charter.
Membership fees: € 30,00
Gatteo Mare
Via Milano, 11
47043 Gatteo (FC)
338 7492727