Place: Gatteo Mare – Arena Rubicone
Period: 1st and 2nd July 2025
Time: 9.30 pm
Accessibility: by car and public means of transport
Description: Gatteo Mare, home of Romagna mia, confirms itself as the Capital of Liscio, with the third edition of SANLISCIO “International Dance Music Festival”.
The protagonists of the festival are the great voices of Liscio, accompanied by the SANLISCIO Festival Orchestra.
The competing artists will present their unreleased song and a qualified jury composed of nationally famous music personalities, journalists and professionals in the sector will decree the winner of the Festival.
The kermesse, signed by Moreno Conficconi “il Biondo”, concept by Claudio Cecchetto, is promoted by the Municipality of Gatteo in collaboration with the Department of Tourism of the Emilia-Romagna Region and Visit Romagna.
Program 2025: still to be defined
The Orchestra and dancers of the Sanliscio Festival will be present on both evenings. The festival will be hosted by the artistic director Moreno Conficconi “Il Biondo”.
For info: wwww.festivaldisanliscio.it – fb @festivaldisanliscio – Instagram @festivaldisanliscio
Entrance: free admission
Gatteo Mare
Arena Rubicone - Via A. Gramsci snc
47043 Gatteo (FC)
0547 86083